For some, building a home is something they’ve done before that they are excited to do again. (We’re excited too!) However, for many, building with us may be the first home they’ve ever built. That’s why we are here to assist you every step of the way!
Regardless of if it’s your first house or your fifth, the Hagood Difference is distinguishable way before a single footing is set or a foundation is laid. After working alongside one of our sales advisors to decide on a plan and a homesite that is best for you, our next step is to book a Hagood Homes Plan Review and Selections Experience.
Prior to a client’s plan review and selections experience, our plan designer and co-owner, Troy Kenny, puts careful thought and meticulous planning into the layouts of each room. Born with creative talent, she has the ability to visualize how a home and each room in it will be used before construction even begins. Through a process of visualization, drafting, tweaking and re-tooling, Troy makes sure that every Hagood home has a floor plan that will work for the family who lives in it.
This extremely important part of our process is designed to give each client one-on-one time with our team and high quality vendors to ensure each home will be designed and look exactly the way you want it prior to construction!
During the visit, each client will have an Electrical Plan Review with our preferred electrician to make electrical outlet requests for their new home and address any questions.
The heart of our time together is the Pre-Construction Review. Plans are laid out on the table and our head of construction goes step by step explaining how your home will be built. It is your opportunity to review changes made and create any last changes before construction begins! Laughter and smiles fill this room as each future Hagood homeowner begins to see the reality of their dream home come to life!
In addition to the review meetings, each client has personal time dedicated with our selections experts to choose exterior and interior paint, plumbing and flooring for their new home. Our salaried selection specialists are whole heartily dedicated to both offer advice based on their experience and your preference and at the same time keep you on track of your budget.
The experience continues as future homeowners have the opportunity to visit our highly esteemed vendors directly with a personal appointment and receive expertise choosing features that will go into their home from:
Ferguson Lighting
Atlantic Appliances
MarKraft Cabinets
Shutterhawk Blinds & Design
Our Hagood Homes Plan Review and Selections Experience is special- not only for us- but for each future Hagood homeowner leaving excited, at ease and ready to see their dream home become a reality!
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